A simple definition.
Lifestyle Medicine is a medical sub-speciality which deals with the evidence-based approach of helping individuals and families adopt and sustain healthy behaviours that promote health and quality of life.
This helps to prevent, treat and in some cases reverse non-communicable diseases which are also referred to as lifestyle-related diseases (LRDs). Examples of LRDs are hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, high cholesterol levels, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, chronic lung disease and some cancers.
According to the World health Organisation, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) account for 63% of all deaths globally with almost 80% of these deaths occurring in low and middle income countries. NCDs are majorly linked to lifestyle-related habits

The Pillars of Lifestyle Medicine
Lifestyle Medicine consists of six major pillars or elements which are the foundations for it’s practice and intervention modalities. These include:
- Positive psychology and social connectedness to help improve emotional well being and resilience.
- Avoidance of substance use including tobacco cessation and alcohol reduction.
Watch the President of the Society of Lifestyle Medicine of Nigeria, Dr Ifeoma Monye as she addresses these pillars during her keynote speech at the formal launch of Lifestyle Champions International.