Boost Your Confidence: A Weight-loss Story

You are not alone in your weight loss journey.

“I am not special and my weight loss journey is not special. Thousands of people across the world are doing the same thing, and if you are struggling with weight loss, hopefully my story will encourage you that you can do the same”.

“This is not about ‘fat shaming’. It is not helpful to make fun of people because of their weight. We are all created in God’s image and are beautiful and valued regardless of what weight you are. The goal of this discussion is to build your confidence to take the first steps or be consistent in the steps you are taking towards weight loss”.

No magic bullets!

“There are no magic bullets or fast track options. The basic science behind weight loss is having an energy deficit, i.e. energy intake must be less than energy expenditure. There are internal factors (e.g. illness, hormones) which also influence weight gain/loss but this basic science applies to most people”.

These are the words of Ore Kolade, a trained nutritionist with a Masters degree in Public Health from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Yesterday, during a ‘Boost Your Confidence’ (BYC) session which held on zoom, she shared in fine detail her journey to losing 12 kg within a matter of months. Listen to her story and look at the before and after photos.

What are the causes of weight gain?

Several factors contribute to weight gain such as excess calorie intake, chronic sleep deprivation, stress and sedentariness to mention a few. However, the game-changer in achieving a weight loss has to do with your level of motivation and readiness to make a change. Ore says, “For me, the real turning point came last year when I stepped on the scale and realised that I had gone from being overweight to being obese on the BMI scale”. 

Will your weight-loss journey ever end?

Concluding remarks from her during the BYC session were, “My journey has not ended because this is a lifestyle change and I’ve learnt that I need to be consistent in order to sustain the weight loss so far. I’ve learnt that going about weight loss the right way builds your confidence”.

A sense of achievement!

Finally Ore says, “You can look back and see what you have achieved through hard work and feel a sense of achievement. I’ve learnt that that setting short term achievable and realistic goals is important. Once you achieve the initial goal, you can increase or reset your goals”.